Taximetriști (2023)
Durata: 97 min
A night. Dozens of stories. A city. Lică, a taxi driver, is an all knowing guy, while Liviu, his friend, also a taxi driver keeps a lot to himself. They are completely different and their ideas about life and people only meet when they are eating and drinking at the bar. They are frustrated with their jobs. For Lică money is the most important thing, while Liviu thinks that a happy and fulfilling life represents more. They are trying to rediscover …
31/10/2023 at 2:24Un film care nu duce nicaieri dar e bine sa-l vezi , pentru ca te taxeaza si ramai cu ceva
14/05/2023 at 22:24Am rezistat cat am putut pentru ca vroiam sa vad cat poate tine vulgaritatea , deja la min 30 eram dezgustata, nu sunt ipocrita sa spun ca nu am mai tras si eu cate o injuratura la nervi dar cat mi-au auzit urechile in filmul asta, femei, barbati cu aia in gura tot timpul, dupa fiecare cuvant baga o p..a, dezgustator si sa fim intelesi cred ca exact asta este comportamentul, educatia, sau lipsa ei, aroganta , prostia, filmul expune doar timpurile in care traim, au fost injuraturi si vulgaritate mereu dar ca in vremurile astea parca nicicand si am 59 de ani , am vazut si auzit cate ceva pana acum. Nu ma injurati va rog , aceasta este doar parerea mea .
27/04/2023 at 19:04FORMIDABIL FILMUL .Multumesc admin